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New York Small Claims

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Small Claims State Research

In New York small claims, the Civil Court of the City of New York has jurisdiction over civil cases involving amounts up to $25,000 and other civil matters referred to it by the Supreme Court. It includes a small claims part for informal dispositions of matters not exceeding $5,000 and a landlord and tenant/housing part for landlord-tenant matters of unlimited amounts and housing code violations.

In New York, the small claims must be FILED in the county/state where the defendant resides. If the transaction took place in "Kings County", but the defendant resides in "Queens County, the small claims action must be filed in Queens County.

Once a small claims is filed in the state of New York, a trial date is set. The defendant must be served with the notice/summons - usually the complaint with a trial date. Most counties in New York do not provide small claims forms online. draft its own petitions and has all the carbon based forms required for New Yrok Small Claims. will assist you with your question in regards to judgment entry forms and additional procedures required for the state of New York. will handle your entire Virginia small claims from start to finish.

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