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Fill out a simple, secure name change questionnaire & we all the legal work.

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Research case, find correct court jurisdiction and prepare the required State petitions.

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Once completed, the petitions will be mailed for court submission.

Nationwide Legal Name Change Introduction:

Whether you're seeking a name change for yourself or your child, provides expert guidance and comprehensive support. Common reasons for pursuing a legal name change include divorce, adoption, marriage, career changes, gender affirmation, or simply personal preference.

Since 2004, has assisted over 35,000 individuals nationwide in successfully petitioning for adult and minor name changes. We streamline the process, ensuring accurate completion and submission of all necessary court documents. Once received, you will review and submit the petitions to the courthouse to start the process. Our services include:

  • Accurate Petition Preparation:Professionally drafted and prepared petitions to meet your specific needs and ensure accuracy.
  • Thorough Court Research: We identify the correct court venue for your jurisdiction..
  • Expert Guidance: We prepare and file your small claims complaint with the appropriate court and manage the service of process to the defendant, including filing the Proof of Service.
  • Efficient Processing: Our team provides a personalized checklist outlining the steps to take after your name change is granted, including updating vital records such as your birth certificate, passport, driver's license, and more.
  • Efficient Processing: Your completed documents will be prepared and shipped within 7-15 days.
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee: We are confident in our services and offer a full refund if your petitions are not approved or accepted.
Once your name change has been granted by the courts, you will be able to change your birth certificate, social security, passport, driver license, and any additional documents . You can rest assure that the associates of CourtLinked has assisted thousands of individuals with their legal name change. Let us handle your adult or minor name change today.

Click Here to File Your Name Change

Legal Adult Name Change $69.95:

Changing your name is a significant personal decision. provides expert assistance to individuals seeking a legal name change for reasons such as divorce, marriage, or personal preference. Our experienced team has successfully guided thousands of adults through the complexities of the name change process. We ensure accurate preparation and submission of all necessary documentation, allowing for a seamless and stress-free experience.

Reasons of an Adult Name Change can include:

  • - Divorce
  • - Marriage
  • - Cumbersome Reasons
  • - Religion
  • - Career and Professional
  • - Addition or Removal of a family name
  • - Foreign Nationality
  • - Gay or Lesbian
  • - Gender Change | Sex Reassignment

Entrust with your name change petition and embark on your new chapter with confidence.

Click Here to File Your Name Change

Once your Adult Name Change has been granted by the courts, you will be able to change your birth certificate, social security, passport, driver license, and any additional documents. You can rest assure that the associates of CourtLinked have assisted thousands of individuals with their legal name change. Let us professionally handle your Adult or Minor Name Change today.

Legal Minor Name Change $79.95: provides comprehensive support for parents and guardians seeking a legal name change for a minor. Whether you aim to add or remove a biological parent's name or have other reasons for the change, our experienced team ensures a smooth and efficient process.

Reasons of a Minor Name Change can include:

  • - Adoption
  • - Cumbersome Reasons
  • - Adding or to Removing Family Name
  • - Religion
  • - School, Career and Professional reasons
  • - Dissatisfaction of current name
  • - Addition or Removal of a Family Name
  • - Foreign Nationality

Trust to handle the complexities of your minor name change petition, allowing you to focus on your child's well-being.

Click Here to File Your Name Change

Once your minor name change has been granted by the courts, you will be able to change the birth certificate, social security, passport, driver license, and any additional documents . You can rest assure that the associates of CourtLinked has assisted thousands of individuals with their legal name change. Let us handle your adult or minor name change today.
Family Name Change

CourtLinked is currently offering nationwide services for adult and minor name changes. Family name change will be developed shortly. Please check back soon.

Click Here to File Your Name Change

Professionally Draft and Prepare your Adult or Minor Name Change Petitions.
Find the correct court venue.
Contact your state courthouse and provide you the information you need.
Paralegals and state experts working on your petitions.
Assist you with the changing of your Birth Certificate, Passport, etc.
Personalized checklist of what to do after you have received your new name change.
Endless support with your Adult or Minor Name Change Petitions.
Additional motion support (minor motion research, amended petitions, etc).
100% Money Back Guarantee if our petitions are not approved.

Most Courthouses will require filing fees. Filing fees will be requested by the courthouse depending on the State. Fee waiver can also be obtained at the courthouse during processing.

Experience you can trust at attorney free prices. For further assistance, please feel free to contact us or visit our online law library.

Affordable & Reliable

Top Legal Firms & Businesses


Safe. Affordable. Prompt.
Service Guaranteed!

Name Change Petitions Approved in all 50 states or full refund will be applied.