File My Small Claims
Name Change Dept
Demand Letters
What happens during trial?


Get the Information you need
When every other method to collect has failed, small claims is the right remedy to seek. Small claims is a lawyer free courtroom designed to hear public disputes in the presence of an actual judge. The associates of have assisted thousands of clients in the recovery of their money using the legal procedures of small claims courts.
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What happens during trial?

On your trial date, the clerk will conduct a "roll call" of cases that will be heard by the judge. When the judge calls your case in the order that sees fit, please approach the plaintiff's area and present your name and the party you are with (plaintiff/defendant). The average time duration of a small claims case is about 30-45 minutes (15-25 min for each party).


Recent FAQ's
When will I collect my judgment?
How long is a judgment good for?